Friday, February 15, 2013

The Pickle Jar

Disco Pickle - Know My Role

Well, first and foremost I'm running vehicle support for Robin and Rachel. Basically, I am going to try to make their zero and nearo days as easy as possible for them, so they can do whatever they want off the trail. This includes shuttling, doing laundry, picking up and delivering resupply, and scouting hotels/restaurants. I want them to feel like they have little responsibility once I pick them up.

Also, I will be attempting to help other hikers as I can, mostly in the form of trail angeling along the PCT. I'm thinking I'd like to stop at road crossings and provide fruit, hot food, beer, music, entertainment, conversation, etc. I'll definitely be giving hikers rides to towns within a few miles, but I am on a limited budget and can't go too far.

Best Laid Plans

As you can tell, I'm probably going to have a lot of spare time this year. I have some ambitious goals that I am going to try for during Disco Pickle.

Hiking: I might as well. I'll try for four to five days every week, between three and ten miles a day.

Reading: They say you can lose twenty I.Q. points on a three month vacation. I'm going to see if I can increase mine over the next eight months. I usually switch between three or four different books while reading, so at the end of my blog entries, I'll have the books that I'm currently working on. I will be going through four different types of books - Star Wars, Christian (self-help and religious study), non-fiction, and fiction. I'm particularly looking forward to the fiction books, because I am going to try to read a few that I really should have gotten to before I turned 34. This includes The Da Vinci Code, The Grapes of Wrath, and Great Expectations. I'm providing the names of my current reads as conversation pieces, so hopefully I can discuss the books with my blog readers.

Church: I'm going to try to attend a lot of different churches; if I can, I'd like to participate. I have quite a bit of experience singing both classical and contemporary, and I think I could add to a service with minimal rehearsal time. I'm curious to see all the differences between the churches.

If you have any trail, book, or church suggestions for me, please let me know!

Current Books:
Star Wars: Slave Ship (K.W. Jeter) (queued)
Christian: Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)
Non-fiction: Tom Brown's Field Guide: Wilderness Survival
Fiction: undecided


  1. I would recommend getting a Kindle or Nook for your books. As you mentioned a couple of classics, you will find that, if you own an e-reader, all of those classics from Dracula to Frankenstein to Gulliver's Travels (you have no idea how different that book is to what you think it is) to Moby Dick, etc etc are free for download. Kindles are pretty reasonable these days, starting at $69 including shipping.

    1. Thank you! I have a kindle with all of my Star Wars. Also a reader on my phone for about 35 classics I actually got for free (!) from Google Play. However, I will still need some books sent with resupply boxes.

      Could you please recommend your favorite classics? I don't know much about literature. How important it is in my mind corresponds with how many times I've heard the title! So I need some guidance at least to start, so I know I'm reading something INTERESTING. :)
